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Persistent immune imprinting occurs after vaccination with the COVID-19 XBB.1.5 mRNA booster in humans

Immunity. 2024-03; 
M Alejandra Tortorici, Amin Addetia, Albert J Seo, Jack Brown, Kaiti Sprouse, Jenni Logue, Erica Clark, Nicholas Franko, Helen Chu, David Veesler
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Plasmid DNA Preparation Plasmids encoding Wuhan-Hu-1 S Hexapro ectodomain (residues 1-1208) and XBB.1.5 S Hexapro ectodomain (residues 1-1203) were synthesized into pCDNA 3.1 (-) and pcDNA 3.1 (+), respectively. Both genes were synthesized by Genscript Get A Quote


Immune imprinting describes how the first exposure to a virus shapes immunological outcomes of subsequent exposures to antigenically related strains. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) Omicron breakthrough infections and bivalent COVID-19 vaccination primarily recall cross-reactive memory B cells induced by prior Wuhan-Hu-1 spike mRNA vaccination rather than priming Omicron-specific naive B cells. These findings indicate that immune imprinting occurs after repeated Wuhan-Hu-1 spike exposures, but whether it can be overcome remains unclear. To understand the persistence of immune imprinting, we investigated memory and plasma antibody responses after administration of the updated XBB.1.5... More
