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Thrombospondin-4 controls matrix assembly during development and repair of myotendinous junctions.

Elife. 2014; 
Subramanian A, Schilling TF.
Products/Services Used Details Operation
Custom Vector Construction … mMachine, Life Technologies, USA) and tailed (Poly(A) tailing kit, Life Technologies, 429 USA). The pCS2-itga6-GFP clone was prepared using CloneEZ (Cat No: L00339, 430 GenScript). The cloning followed a two-step protocol. In the first step, pCS2 vector was 431 … Get A Quote


Tendons are extracellular matrix (ECM)-rich structures that mediate muscle attachments with the skeleton, but surprisingly little is known about molecular mechanisms of attachment. Individual myofibers and tenocytes in Drosophila interact through integrin (Itg) ligands such as Thrombospondin (Tsp), while vertebrate muscles attach to complex ECM fibrils embedded with tenocytes. We show for the first time that a vertebrate thrombospondin, Tsp4b, is essential for muscle attachment and ECM assembly at myotendinous junctions (MTJs). Tsp4b depletion in zebrafish causes muscle detachment upon contraction due to defects in laminin localization and reduced Itg signaling at MTJs. Mutation of its oligomerization domain re... More


ECM organization; cell biology; developmental biology; muscle attachment; myotendinous junctions; stem cells; tendon development; zebrafish